Marbella Regenerative Clinic – Women’s Sexual Health



Rivers of ink are flowing on the subject of women´s sexual health, and although we are waking up to the reality of this issue, we still are not fully aware of what it signifies.

Pregnancies, childbirth and the passage of time cause us to gradually lose sensitivity and proper control of our bladders or to even feel discomfort during sexual intercourse. This is what is known as genitourinary menopause syndrome. In most cases, it occurs gradually over time which leads many women to accept these changes as something natural, as if, once the purpose of bringing children into the world has been accomplished, it were normal for everything to then deteriorate. And naturally, the situation gets worse as we approach perimenopause and thus ente into a vicious cycle that ever increasingly distances us from a satisfying sex life, which then has repercussions on our relationships and finally on all aspects of our lives as women.

This problem runs far deeper than it would appear and is alarmingly common.

What is the cause of painful sex and urinary incontinence?

Natural childbirth puts a great amount of strain on the vagina causing many fibres, both connective and muscular, to break and they never completely heal thereafter. This means that the vagina never recovers its original shape and size and that muscular tone is lost, thus leading to potential urinary leaks which may go from being mild to very intense and therefore seriously interfering with our daily activities.

On the other hand, diminishing levels of oestrogen during perimenopause means that the mucosa of the vagina becomes atrophied and stops producing the secretions necessary to maintain the vagina´s normal pH balance as well as not producing sufficient lubrication for penetration during sexual intercourse. The change in pH levels increases the chances of infection and vaginal dryness causes a great deal of discomfort including dyspareunia (pain during sex) which then leads to the woman avoiding sexual intercourse which, in turn, due to the  loss of this stimulation, causes the atrophy to get worse, her lack of satisfaction to increase and her sexual desire to disappear and thus the circle closes.

The most important thing is that the woman is aware that she is in this situation, identifies it as a problem, not as a part of natural evolution and looks for a solution.

How do you solve this problem?

Whether you suffer from urinary leaks, vaginal dryness or vaginal laxity which are having a negative effect on your sex life, now is the time to solve the problem.

In the first instance, it is a matter of health and for this reason, you should go to a medical centre and explain your symptoms. Here they will open up a medical record and carry out some simple tests such as urine analysis and cytology.

There are various treatments that you can have such as the local application of oestrogen in the case of perimenopause. This is inconvenient as it has to be applied daily and there are women for whom it is not recommended as they have suffered from hormone-dependent tumours.

For almost a decade, we have had a new and completely effective tool available to us for the treatment of both urinary loss as well as for the symptoms of vaginal atrophy: THE VAGINAL LASER. Using laser technology, and with specific parameters for its application on the vaginal mucosa, we are able to regenerate the tissue which then recovers its thickness and ability to secrete, thus restoring the vagina´s lubrication and normal pH.

This has to be carried out in an authorised clinic and always by a DOCTOR who is specialised in laser treatments and after having created a complete medical record in which every aspect that may affect your health are taken into account.

It is a safe and painless procedure and takes just 20 minutes which means you can go back to your daily routine immediately and without any negative after-effects. At least 2 sessions are necessary and thereafter your doctor will decide if you need any more. Gradually you will notice an improvement and believe me, you will notice and a lot.

In my experience, it is one of the treatments where I get the best results and, in many cases, these results are already evident after the first session – meaning many satisfied and appreciative patients.

It is to those women that I dedicate this post. I love my profession and I feel privileged to be able to improve the quality of life of my patients.

Contact Info:

CN 340, KM 192, C.C. Elviria, Planta Alta, Oficina, 29604 Marbella, Malaga, Spain

(+34) 605 52 52 52

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